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New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Temple points and the temporal area

The little triangles of very fine hair on each side of the temples are called the temple or temporal points. They are an important part of the hairline in order to frame the face properly. The length of the forehead is optically smaller because of the temporal peaks and the temporal area. It is not about density when it comes to this area; on the contrary. But the presence makes a world of difference.

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In hair transplantation, temporal peaks are often ignored unfortunately. Not many surgeons take them into account, although they are crucial in the overall look of the face.  

In about 20% of performed FUE treatments, the temporal area is being restored as well.  

Many men conserve their temporal peaks, whick means they don’t always need to be restored. But if necessary, it is possible at every age and hair colour.  

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When creating the hairline, Dr. Feriduni respects the patient's facial shape, jaw line and bone structure. The hairline type and multiple landmarks such as the temporal points are taken into account. The hairs in the temporal area are very fine and exit the skin at an acute angle, almost parallel to the surface. Recreating the temporal area takes meticulous measurements and is a custom process in which Dr. Feriduni strives to achieve the most natural result. Dr. Feriduni always takes into account that the skin of that area is overly thin and the hairs are at an extremely shallow depth. Therefore, he has to be meticulous when placing them in the correct angulation.  

"Restoration of temporal peaks requires very precise surgery "

Dr. Feriduni
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Classification of the temporal area

There are 4 classes in temporal recession.

  • Class N

    = Normal, which means no hairloss at the temporal area

  • Class T

    = Thinning of the temporal area

  • Class P

    = Parallel thinning of the temporal area

  • Class R

    = Reverse pattern of the temporal area

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    Class N

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    Class T

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    Class P

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    Class R

Celebrity simulation

Just for fun, you can see a simulation of celebrities if they would not have temple points. Can you see the difference in how the overall face changes when we leave them out?

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    Gerard Butler

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    Gerard Butler simulation

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    John Hamm

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    John Hamm simulation

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    Javier Bardem

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    Javier Bardem

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    Brad Pitt

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    Brad Pitt simulation

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    Bella Hadid

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    Bella Hadid simulation

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    Cara Delavigne

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    Cara Delevigne simulation

Facial proportions

The value of a natural and well-positioned hairline and the significance of frontal hair volume in framing the face are frequently overlooked aspects of attractive facial proportion and overall facial aesthetics. When you undergo a hair restoration surgery, Dr. Feriduni will extensively discuss these aspects before designing your hairline. Therefore it is important to understand that the following aesthetic principles may be considered.

An attractive and proportionate face has been defined by the ‘rule of thirds’. This principle states that in most attractive faces, forehead height should be one third of the total height of the face and approximately equal in height to the mid and lower face. The best balance of facial aesthetics exists when the face can be divided into three equal horizontal dimensions: from the chin to the bottom of the nose, from the bottom of the nose to the brow, and from the brow to the hairline (see below). If certain facial features are out of proportion to others, the overall facial harmony can be improved by bringing these aspects of the facial features back into proportion.

Rule of Thirds

The line drawing illustrates the ‘rule of thirds’ when analyzing facial aesthetics. This pattern of facial dimensions was described by Leonardo da Vinci.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds also counts for women

The female hairline is variable in position. However, a “normal” female hairline is typically positioned 5 to 6,5 cm above the brows and usually begins at some point where the scalp slopes from a more horizontal position to a vertical one. This optimal position allows for ease of hairstyling and provides facial harmony and balance. There are a number of women who have a hereditary high hairline or high forehead. The appearance of a high hairline can make women look masculine and/or older than they actually are. The associated high forehead is often seen as unattractive and their hair styling is often limited to combing downward (bangs) to camouflage it. These women, even though there are no signs of hair loss, are dissatisfied with their naturally high forehead and wish they could lower their hairline to a more cosmetically pleasing location. Creating a natural-looking female hairline is completely different and far more complex than creating a good male hairline. Dr. Feriduni is an expert in both, since he has more than 20 years of experience in hair transplantation for men, women and transgender.

Happy patients

What characterizes Dr. Feriduni, is that he is a warm and caring person who takes his time when meeting the patient. Everything can be discussed, questions can be asked, insecurities can be named. Everyone who deals with hair loss, bald patches, a high forehead, a receding hairline, a lack of eyelashes, thin eyebrows, a scar or who had a bad hair transplant somewhere else is suffering from the way they look. We know well that the mind is strong. Social media are too, and what other people say about you. Dr. Feriduni understands. He has treated over 2000 patients and basically made their life better again. Have a look in our Guestbook, where we collect feedback from our patients.  

Every patient has his/her story. Our patients Laurens, Bert and Francesco were glad to share theirs. Read more by simply clicking on the pictures below.


Have a look at a few of our patients who've had their hairline including the temporal area naturally restored by Dr. Feriduni.

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Life's too short to worry about your hair

Don't let hair loss get in your way and stop worrying. Let's talk! Dr. Feriduni is more than willing to help. Simply fill in the free online consultation form. You can do this with your cell phone or on your computer. It's very easy, quick and free. Your online consultation will allow Dr. Feriduni to determine whether you are suitable for a treatment, and he will provide you also with an estimation of the costs. Then you can decide whether you're interested in a personal consultation to consider the next step.
Filling in the online consultation form will only take you 5 minutes to complete and you'll receive an email from us within max. 1 week. And rest assured: our online consultation = no cost & no obligation. 

Online Consultation

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Contact us for more info 
+32 11 299 790 or Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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Stay in Hasselt

Your stay in Hasselt

Overnight accomodations

If you are looking for a sleepover in Hasselt, there is quite a range of hotels, b&b's, hostels and holiday homes. 
Click here to find all the info.

In the picture

The HasHotel is located in the heart of Hasselt. A balanced mix of trends and feelings are the perfect ingredients for a comfortable stay and a culinary experience. The attention to detail with a personal touch gives their rooms just the right feeling of harmony. The HasHotel offers special rates for our patients. If you are interested in booking your accommodation at a reduced Feriduni rate, we invite you to contact the HasHotel directly at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and mention Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic.

Guesthouse N°7

In a distinguished neighbourhood just outside the city centre of Hasselt, Dr. Feriduni's Private Guesthouse N°7 is located. A beautiful villa with all the amenities you need to comfortably enjoy the quite environment.

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  • Frontview-paaltjesomhoog Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni

Enjoy an exclusive stay near the clinic

Guesthouse N°7 is situated at the end of a quiet residential cul de sac. You can park up to 3 cars on the private parking in front of the house. It is the perfect starting point for your treatment and aftercare in the clinic, which is only a 2-minute drive away.


Guesthouse N°7 can be booked for just 1 night of for a longer stay. There is the option to book one room, two rooms or the whole house. There are 2 double rooms and 1 single room.

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    Bedroom 1

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    Bedroom 2

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    Bedroom 3

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    Bathroom 1

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    Bathroom 2

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    Bathroom 3

Beautiful private garden

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  • Tulips Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni

More info on Dr. Feriduni's Private Guesthouse:

Check availability for reservations by contacting  Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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Gunther Levi bij Dr. Feriduni

Singer and artist Gunther Levi at Dr. Feriduni

Oh, Romeo!

For a while ago we had to pleasure to meet Gunther Levi (45) in our clinic in Hasselt. During a lovely conversation we learned a bit more about this friendly and down-to-earth man. What's for sure with Gunther: what you see is what you get. A warm characteristic in which sincerity and optimism find a perfect match and in which we can place his popularity only too well. Besides acting and singing, Gunther is above all a loving husband and father. He has his looks on his side, and we are happy to help nature just a little more with that. After the intake Dr. Feriduni gets started with a range of measurements and research.

Actual hair situation

Het kruintje begint stilaan uit te dunnen, en dat zorgt enerzijds voor een lichte doorkijk achteraan het hoofd en anderzijds voor een afvlakkend beeld in zijaanzicht, typerend voor Norwood V. De uitgebreide metingen geven aan dat Gunther een goede kandidaat is voor de ingreep. Hij heeft nog meer dan voldoende donorcapaciteit, ook na zijn eerste ingreep die hij reeds ergens anders liet uitvoeren. De haarlijn die toen behandeld werd kan vooraan kan volgens Dr. Feriduni nog wat worden verbeterd, in die zin dat het algemene uitzien wat natuurlijker mag. Hiervoor is een minimum aan grafts nodig die perfect in 1 sessie mee met de haren voor het kruintje kunnen worden getransplanteerd.

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By doing specific examinations and measurements, Dr. Feriduni calculates the perfect hair density and simulates the new natural hairline.

FUE hair transplantation

The most modern hair transplantation technique FUE was performed by Dr. Feriduni and his technical team on Gunther somewhere at the end of October 2021. There were 3144 grafts transplanted for reconstructing voor the crown area and recreate a more natural density and shape of the frontal hairline. Gunther came in in the morning and left in the late afternoon back home. De surgery went flawless, as he happily shared with his followers on his Instagram account. After about one year, Gunther visited Dr. Feriduni again for a final check-up. And we all saw that we have made it happen...

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A natural result in close-up

We always strive at Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic for a natural result. This ensures that a hair transplant is invisible. By this we do not mean the result, but the procedure itself. There are no visible scars, the hairline looks natural and matches the patient's face. The density and direction of the hairs are correct, there is a smooth transition from front to back and from top to bottom. It's also in the details... a lot of knowledge and skill is needed, as well as a good eye, and that's what Dr. Feriduni makes such a role model in the field of hair transplants. With more than 25 years of experience and a series of international patients, he can modestly say that it is not a specialisation for every doctor. Below some close-up photos of Gunthers hairline, before and after. Watch and judge for yourself.

  • Before


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  • Before


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  • Before


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  • Before


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Everybody VIP

Bij Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic zetten we elke dag alles op alles om onze patiënten de beste service te bieden. Ook op de dag van de ingreep maken we alles van A tot Z zo aangenaam mogelijk. Het is belangrijk dat de patiënt zich op zijn/haar/hun gemak voelt in een veilige en rustige omgeving. Wij gaan 100% voor VIP's: Very Important Patients!

Let the sun in your hair

Haartransplantatie is altijd de laatste stap. Informeer u goed alvorens u een ingreep ondergaat. Lees wat andere patiënten hebben ervaren in ons Gastenboek of hun verhaal dat ze delen met een blog. Wil u graag meer weten over haartransplantatie? Of wenst u een eerste vrijblijvend advies van Dr. Feriduni? Vul dan het gratis online consultatieformulier in op onze website. Zo kan Dr. Feriduni oordelen of u een mogelijke kandidaat bent voor een ingreep, en wat hier de geschatte kosten voor zouden kunnen zijn. Dit advies krijgt u na ongeveer 1 week per email. U kan dan beslissen of u graag een persoonlijke consultatie wenst met Dr. Feriduni. 

Online Consultation

De Romeo


Contact uns for more info on
+32 11 299 790 or Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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Guesthouse N°7

Your stay

Private Guesthouse

Dr. Feriduni offers his private house with 2 double and 1 single room near his clinic. Guesthouse N°7 is located in a distinguished neighbourhood just outside the city centre of Hasselt. A beautiful villa with all the amenities you need to comfortably enjoy the quite environment during your stay.

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  • Home-backview-l Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni
  • Frontview-paaltjesomhoog Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni

Enjoy an exclusive stay near the clinic

Guesthouse N°7 is situated at the end of a quiet residential cul de sac road. You can park up to 3 cars on the private parking in front of the house. There is one charging point at the front of the house. It is the perfect starting point for your treatment and aftercare in the clinic, which is only a 2-minute drive away.


Guesthouse N°7 can be booked for just 1 night of for a longer stay. There are 2 double rooms and 1 single room available for a maximum of 5 guests.

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    Bedroom 1

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    Bedroom 2

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    Bedroom 3

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    Bathroom 1

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    Bathroom 2

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    Bathroom 3

Beautiful private garden

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  • Bistrot Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni
  • Blossoms-1 Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni
  • Tulips Uncategorised - Dr. Feriduni

More info on Dr. Feriduni's Private Guesthouse:

Hotels and b&b's in / near Hasselt


The HasHotel is located in the heart of Hasselt. A balanced mix of trends and feelings are the perfect ingredients for a comfortable stay and a culinary experience. The attention to detail with a personal touch gives their rooms just the right feeling of harmony. The HasHotel offers special rates for our patients. If you are interested in booking your accommodation at a reduced Feriduni rate, we invite you to contact the HasHotel directly at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and mention Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic.

Other accomodations

Our clinic is located close to the city centre, so you can look at the accomodations Hasselt has to offer. All that tasting, discovering, and exploring is bound to wear you out. Luckily, Hasselt has many fine places to lay your head down in comfort. To dream about the all the fabulous treats and innovations the city has to offer. And to experience them (again) the very next day…

Click here for more info

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