During the personal consultation, Dr. Feriduni deem specific studies necessary to accurately determine the feasibility of an intervention. Some of these are the Trichogram, the Trichoscan and microDERM®Hair.
"Hair roots under the microscope"
A trichogram is a diagnostic method to determine how advanced the hair loss is and what the chances of successful treatment are. A trichogram is often performed because it tells a lot on the condition of the patient's hair roots.
To determine the number of hair roots, the condition of the sheaths and what percentage of hairs are in each of the three phases of the hair growth cycle, hair samples are generally taken from two different locations on the scalp. For best results, more than 50 hairs with their roots should be removed and examined and counted under the microscope. By doing this, it is often possible to draw conclusions about the type of hair loss and how advanced it is. Sensitive patients often find a trichogram painful. A less painful method that produces even better results is the TrichoScan.
"Voor een niet-invasieve, accurate diagnose"
Een TrichoScan, ook wel een photo-trichogram genoemd, combineert een microscoop met software, die IT gebruikt om de staat van het haar te bepalen. Terwijl een trichogram vereist dat haren fysiek worden geëxtraheerd, is bij een TrichoScan enkel vereist om het te onderzoeken gebied (ca. 16 - 20 mm) te scheren. Dit geschoren gedeelte wordt dan ingekleurd, dermatoscopisch gefotografeerd en geanalyseerd. De digitale foto creëert dan een videobeeld die vervolgens wordt beoordeeld door de software, waarmee de haardichtheid wordt bepaald. Bij de TrichoScan om de toestand van de haarwortels te bepalen, wordt de geschoren plek van de hoofdhuid opnieuw ingekleurd en drie dagen later gefotografeerd. Als de haren zich in hun rust- of uitvalfase bevinden, zullen ze tijdens deze periode niet groeien, waardoor Dr. Feriduni belangrijke aanwijzingen krijgt over het type haarverlies. Duidelijke voordelen van de TrichoScan: een TrichoScan is pijnloos en het resultaat kan worden gearchiveerd, waardoor wijzigingen kunnen worden gevolgd. Bovendien kunnen Dr. Feriduni en de patiënt allebei de staat van het haar van deze laatste op de computer bekijken, en exact de resultaten van de therapie volgen.
"Digital tracking of hair growth and hair loss "
The microDERM®Hair hair diagnosis method, such as a TrichoScan, offers the possibility to digitally monitor changes in a patient's hair. The number of hairs, hair length and hair density are automatically calculated and displayed graphically, providing optimal support for qualified analysis and diagnosis of hair loss. The results of therapy and changes made during treatment can be displayed, saved (or printed) and objectively monitored. Using microDERM®Hair is quick and painless. It involves shaving a 10 x 10mm section of the scalp to a length of 1mm and then taking photographs. These are then displayed on the monitor and stored in a database. Approximately 2 - 4 days after the first photos are taken, a second set of digital photos of the same shaved patch are taken.
microDERM®Hair automatically processes the photos, analyzes all relevant factors and displays the results graphically. This analysis and the resulting findings are then reviewed by Dr. Feriduni uses as a basis for discussing/recommending possible treatment methods and monitoring treatment results.
Lab tests
There are several possible causes of hair loss, often not immediately visible. For example, when hair loss is irregular, the cause may be medication, a certain disease or deficiencies. To get an accurate picture of whether there is a thyroid problem or iron deficiency, for example, laboratory tests are recommended. To identify and properly treat the disease or deficiencies, the following laboratory tests are available:
- Blood tests
Our blood contains a lot of information and that's why a blood test is a good way to identify certain diseases. About 10 ml of blood is enough to perform a range of different tests.
- Hormone status check
Growth, development and age, but also the body's defense mechanisms, are processed by hormones, just like nutrients. Especially in women, a blood test can provide insight into the most important hormones and provide clues to developments and changes, including those that affect the hair. Hormone status should be checked in the early follicular phase or at the end of a woman's monthly cycle.
- Analysis of hair and minerals
Chemical elements (e.g. heavy metals) and organic compounds deposited in the body in recent months and a possible cause of hair loss can be detected by the analysis of hair and minerals. A hair and mineral analysis cannot replace another analysis method and has only limited informative value. However, it can still be useful as a way to make further diagnostic observations and thereby gain further insight.
Biopsy of the scalp
Deep wounds, radiotherapy and scarring can be just as damaging to the scalp as fungus, bacterial or viral infections and autoimmune diseases - and can cause hair to fall out in the same way. If there is a suspicion of a scalp disease or if the diagnosis of the hair disease is not 100% certain, it is in most cases recommended to perform a scalp biopsy. A scalp biopsy is performed by removing a small section of the scalp (a strip 0.8 - 1.0 mm long and no wider than 3 mm) with a scalpel under local anesthesia. This is then examined microscopically and histologically.
A scalp biopsy consists of a histological examination, which looks, for example, at the number and structure of hair follicles, and checks whether there are inflammatory processes or other processes that cause the destruction of hair follicles that lead to hair loss.