A hairline that is too low or too high, and where the soft transition was not (enough) taken into account, creating a pluggy hairline that looks like a doll. If the direction and angle of the grafts are not taken into account, your front hairline may resemble the bristles of a used toothbrush. Even when the grafts from the donor area (at the back of the head) have been removed unprofessionally, the donor area afterwards looks like cobblestones or a chessboard or heavy scar tissue can develop due to needles that are too large (and therefore cheaper). In most of these cases, multiple repair hair transplants are required to achieve a more natural and better result.
Cheap offers are often tempting, but unfortunately most of these clinics do not deliver on their promises. Many hair transplants result in an unnatural result or visible scars.
Why a repair hair transplant?
1. Your hairline / facial proportion looks unnatural
Southern men tend to have a straight hairline, while those of Caucasian types tend to have a V-shape or M-shape. If this is not taken into account, the result will look unnatural. If the hairline is planted too low, the proportions of the face are no longer correct. This also creates a strange appearance and cannot be camouflaged. To achieve a natural result with a hair transplant, the density in the different zones, the direction and angle of the grafts must always be taken into account professionally. Only Ken can get away with a pluggy hairline.
2. Your hairline reminds you of Mickey Mouse
When the hairline is created too round at the temporal area, it looks unnatural. This makes the hair appear to grow in round curves along the head; this is what Dr. Feriduni refers to it as the Mickey Mouse effect.
3. Your donor area looks battered
The 'harvesting' of the grafts must be done carefully and with high-quality surgical incisions. Unfortunately, this is not done carefully in poor clinics because it takes much more time, resulting in areas with grafts instead of reasoned punches on nicely distributed surfaces. This is faster and lowers costs, but afterwards it often causes scar tissue, which means we can no longer harvest hair. The donor area is then depleted or exhausted.
4. Your scar from a previous FUT stands out
The scar from a previously performed FUT hair transplant can be disturbingly visible on the back of the head if the hair length is shaved shorter. If possible, this can be treated in one or more steps. This should always be discussed during a personal consultation with Dr. Feriduni.
Recent repair cases
Patient blogs on repair cases
May it be any consolation, but you are certainly not the only one who has had to deal with a bad hair transplant. A number of our patients were able to express themselves by writing down their story. Below you will find some links with their blog and the process of their repair. Hopefully this can help you out if you want to get out of a similar predicament. The doctors and team at Feriduni Hair Clinic understand all too well how difficult it can be to live with the results of such a procedure gone wrong. Our advice; Don't give up and seek advice from respected doctors who are worthy of their name. Inform yourself, read about other people's experiences, be critical and watch out for promotions, marketing tricks and scenarios that are presented as too good to be true. It is what it is: there is no Undo button. But a good hair transplant surgeon will do everything he can to achieve the best possible result. This may take some time, but the patience will be worth it.
- Successful repair ongoing with Dr. Feriduni in Belgium!
- Female Hairline Hair Transplant - Dr. Feriduni
- 1797 drafts with FUE method, forehead by Dr. Feriduni
- Transplantation 1797 FU Creating a new hairline female
- HT Repair with Dr Feriduni in Belgium November 2020
- Reconstruction capillaire en deux phases
- FUE - Dr Feriduni 15/01/2021 (réparation)
Choose the right hair surgeon
A hair surgeon must have the right knowledge and skills. These include utmost care, professional qualifications and knowledge of all surgical techniques and hair restoration methods, together with the right sense of the principles of aesthetics and harmony. Correcting or repairing a hair transplant that has gone wrong is therefore a treatment that places very high demands on the doctor. The point is not only to correct the poor results (for example scarring or an unnatural appearance) of a previous transplant, but also to recreate a completely natural result. The team supporting the doctor is also a crucial factor, because the hair surgeon's technical staff must not only fully master the techniques used and have years of experience, but also be able to work flawlessly for 8 to 10 hours - the duration of a hair transplant. full concentration. A flexible team is one of the success factors for every hair transplant. Another factor is also membership in an internationally recognized association such as IAHRS; Members of this association are all experts in the field of corrective hair transplantation. Dr. Feriduni has already successfully carried out hundreds of repairs in his clinic and therefore has the necessary experience and know-how. This is confirmed by the fact that in approximately 20% of all our hair transplants, previous transplants are corrected.
The hairline largely frames the face, which is why creating a natural hairline is an art that a good hair surgeon should master. An unnatural or non-aesthetically shaped hairline can be greatly improved by a professionally performed FUE hair transplant. This will shape the hairline more beautifully, taking into account the natural hair density. However, the possibilities of corrective surgery depend not only on the competence and know-how of the surgeon, but also on the availability of suitable and sufficient donor hair. The methods used to restore an unnatural hairline include complete removal of misplaced and oriented grafts, removal of individual misplaced grafts, or placement of follicular units between the mini-grafts.
A hairline too low looks unnatural and unfortunately also "wastes" the reserve of donor hair. Therefore, grafts below the natural hairline are completely removed, restoring the natural appearance of the hairline. The extracted grafts can be reused, with individual grafts extracted and scheduled elsewhere. Complete removal of grafts may also sometimes be necessary when they have resulted in unnecessary scarring, when hair grows out of the grafts in the wrong direction, or when their placement looks unnatural. In some cases it is possible to conceal or correct such defects by implanting individual follicular units, although in many cases the grafts still require complete removal. In contrast, grafts that are implanted in the correct orientation and aesthetically arranged may still look unnatural from an overall perspective. Such a so-called 'pluggy look' can be softened with a FUE hair transplant to remove individual grafts from the affected area. In cases where larger areas have been affected by unnatural looking grafts and where more is involved than just removing individual hairs, the traditional punching technique can be used to remove them. Each repair case is individually prepared by Dr. Feriduni studied and assessed. During a personal consultation, it can then be estimated which steps will be needed to restore the current hair situation beautifully and naturally.
Treatment plan
A repair almost always takes place in several steps. It all depends on the current hair situation, when the failed hair transplant took place and also what the patient's expectations are. During a personal consultation, Dr. Feriduni examines the options and draws up the treatment plan.
Many clinics try to attract patients with extortionate hair transplant prices. In most cases, it turns out that their only option to make it cheap is to compromise on quality and a long-term approach. Low-priced offers are tempting, especially if you have a limited budget. But it is highly advisable to inform yourself extensively before opting for a hair transplant at certain clinics in your country or abroad. Because unfortunately the majority of those clinics do not keep their promises. Most hair transplants will result in poor results that greatly affect the patient's self-image. In most cases, multiple hair transplants (repairs) are required to achieve an aesthetically satisfactory result. This means that the costs will still be high and the damage done can hopefully be limited as much as possible. Hair transplantation is the last step, "look before you leap".