A high forehead
Some women have a high forehead since birth. This makes the hairline appear high and can make you look masculine and/or older than you actually are. The so-called high forehead is often seen as unattractive and styling is limited to bangs to camouflage it. Even if there is no hair loss, these women can be very bothered by their high forehead and dream of a lower, natural hairline.
Surgical Hairline Advancement
A method to optically lower the hairline is Surgical Hairline Advancement or a "SHA-Lift". This involves cutting away a strip just below the hairline, which immediately lowers it. This procedure provides an immediate visual effect. Sometimes this procedure is sufficient to achieve a good result, but a smaller FUE is often scheduled after a few months to make the hairline more natural and to soften the transition. This will all be discussed in detail during a personal consultation with Dr. Feriduni.
Recent case forehead reduction with SHA-Lift
Recent case hairline lowering with FUE
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