Below you will find frequently asked questions and answers. If you have other or additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us at or by telephone on +32 11 299 790.
- Is a hair transplant painful?
- How does a hair transplant work?
- Why hair transplantation in Belgium?
- How many treatments do I need?
- How long does the recovery take?
- Is hair transplantation permanent?
- For how much time will it be visible that I underwent a HT surgery?
- When will I be able to go to work after a HT surgery?
- Am I allowed to drive immediately after surgery?
- When will I be able to take a shower after surgery?
- Is it necessary to remove both the staples and stitches after a FUT surgery?
- I suffer from a severe edema in my face, should I worry?
- I suffer from a stinging and burning feeling at the back of my scalp. What is this?
- When will I be able to go to the sauna or Turkish bath, hammam?
- When can I start using Rogaine again?
- When can I start using hair fibres again?
- How high is the risk that I suffer from postoperative hair loss?
- A residue of serum remains on my scalp after the hair wash, could this damage the transplanted hairs?
- Do the scabs come off by themselves after the surgery?
- I have lost some transplanted hairs together with the scabs, are these transplants lost?
- I have ‘cracked lines’ in the recipient area. Should I worry about this?
- I suffer from pimples on my scalp. Is there anything I should do?
- I am now 3 months postoperative, what can I expect at this stage?
- I am now 6 months postoperative, what can I expect at this stage?
- I am now 9 months postoperative, what should I expect at this stage?
- Postoperative sports
Hair transplantation is usually performed under local anesthesia and therefor painless. After the treatment you also receive a package with everything you need to guarantee the best aftercare. There is absolutely nothing to worry about; at Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic you are – literally – in the best hands.
FUE is the most successful method in hair restoration. Hair is extracted from the donor area (the crown of hair, at the back of the head) with a tiny hollow needle that extracts the entire hair follicle. Dr. Feriduni then makes very small, sophisticated incisions with surgical blades uniquely tailored to the patient. Here he constantly considers the reconstruction of the natural hairline: the direction of the hairs, the density, a soft transition, a beautiful distribution. Then the hairs are implanted in the area to be treated.
Basically, there are 3 steps in FUE: the extraction, the incisions and the implantation. On the day of the treatment, you arrive in the morning after a light breakfast and walk out of the clinic in the late afternoon (depending on the required number of FU). When preferred, you can come by the day(s) after for aftercare.
On a daily basis, Dr. Feriduni performs FUE and in some cases FUT with his highly professional team. Bald patches can be treated, a natural hairline can be restored by his experience. The number of grafts depends on the area to be treated, but even more on the safe donor management. Optionally, PRP can be performed as well before or during the surgery, or possibly a few months after the surgery.
Dr. Feriduni makes his expertise during the personal consultation. Repair cases of former hair transplants in other clinics that did not succeed well are also part of Dr. Feriduni’s treatments, just as scar corrections. Dr. Feriduni emphasizes to always inform yourself well before choosing for hair transplant surgery. He also performs for more than 20 years hairline lowering or SHA-Lifts, eyelash, eyebrow and beard transplantations.
Your comfort and privacy is our priority. When travelling, we can assist you on the taxi service from and to the clinic. Our team is always happy to help and looking forward to welcome you. As a pioneer in the field of hair transplantation for more than 20 years, Dr. Feriduni will always put the patient first and listen to the needs and concerns.
Do not hesitate to make an appointment. Please first fill in the online consultation form in order to receive an advised treatment plan and offer from Dr. Feriduni. After this, we can book your personal consultation in the clinic.
Dr. Feriduni can estimate accurately the number of treatments you’d need depending on the stage of your hair loss, your age and the quality of the donor area. One patient is helped with a single treatment and can stabilize further hair loss with medical therapy. For another patient, medical therapy is out of the question and a second treatment for another area will be required in the future. Transplanted hairs will last, but the hairline that was not treated yet will recede further in time. Or the density can decrease, and can be optimized in a next treatment. Every patient is unique and Dr. Feriduni will always perform specialized examinations during a personal consultation in our clinic. With more than 20 years of experience and a solid team of technical assistants we are able to succeed large FUE sessions in one day. The maximum will be around 4500 FU, which is a large number to attain a beautiful and natural reconstruction.
You may experience some fatigue during the first few days. You have to sleep upright with the help of a pillow that you are given, which is not very practical. But fortunately that will improve quickly. Swelling may occasionally occur, and you will be given the appropriate products for this after the procedure. Pain relief, a cold pack and vitamins are also included in our aftercare package.
In most cases, you will no longer be able to tell that you have undergone a FUE procedure approximately 10 days after surgery. For a FUT procedure, the staples should be removed on day 14 after surgery. You cannot exercise for 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the type of sport and the intensity. The most important thing is not to hit your head in the initial stages. After one year you reach the final phase and the result is optimal and complete.
Transplanted hairs undergo a full growth cycle, which means they have the new life of a fresh hair. These hairs will not fall out normally. A professional performed hair transplant therefor is permanent.
Read more on the hair growth cycle
Dr. Feriduni endeavors non-stop for natural results. Hij always considers potential further hair loss in the future and keep this in mind to create an optimal result for every patient.
Read more on Dr. Feriduni
You should bear in mind to avoid important social or professional commitments during the first 10-14 days postoperative. In most cases it will no longer be noticeable that you underwent a FUE procedure at 10 days postoperative. In case of a FUT procedure it will be necessary to remove the staples on the 14th day postoperative. Afterwards it will barely be noticeable that you underwent a hair transplant procedure. Redness of the scalp could however persist for a longer period after surgery (weeks to months), especially in case of patients with a sensitive scalp.
It should not be a problem to work after the surgery but due to the edema (swelling in the face) we recommend at least 1 week of non-activity in case of a FUE surgery and due to the staples, 2 weeks of non-activity in case of a FUT surgery.
Due to the sedation, it is not recommended to drive immediately after the surgery, it is best to come accompanied and let your companion drive. Patients that are staying at the hotel or guesthouse will be driven to their accommodation by the taxi service. On the day after it is not a problem to drive.
It is possible and even recommended to take a shower from the 1st day postoperative day onwards, make sure to use a low water pressure though and not towards your head. Avoid showers that are too long or too hot.
The staples need to be removed at 2 weeks postoperative. It is generally not necessary to remove the stitches after a FUT surgery, the sutures that are used to close the donor wound are absorbable.
Due to the local anesthetic and the liquid injected into the scalp during the treatment, a swelling will occur on the forehead after the treatment. This is completely normal and will disappear after a couple of days. This swelling will occur at its worst on the face from the 2nd until the 4th day after the operation. If the area around the eyes is swollen, it can seriously restrict your vision. After that, the swelling will gradually subside and decrease. The moisture will be eliminated from the body via the lymph glands.
A few tips to restrict the swelling:
• Try to keep your head straight and try to avoid bending forward
• Regular cooling with the cool pack after the treatment eases the swelling. Only cool the forehead/eyes, never the transplantation area. After using, put the cool pack back in the refrigerator, preferably not in the freezer compartment
• Drink a lot of water
Hyperesthesia of the scalp, i.e. an enhanced sensibility of the scalp/an irritation of the nerve tissue, is a rather common side effect caused by the extraction of the follicular units.
We recommend to avoid the sauna, Turkish bath or hammam for at least 4 weeks postoperative. The high temperatures and humidity are not conducive for the healing process and should better be avoided.
It is important to stop using Rogaine from the day of the surgery until 2 weeks postoperative.
It is possible to start using hair fibres at 2 weeks after surgery if all scabs are removed. If not it might be better to wait until 3 weeks postoperative.
Postoperative shock loss is an unfortunate side effect of a hair transplant procedure and could occur in the recipient area, the areas surrounding the recipient area or even in the donor area. This is mostly a temporary condition where native hairs are “shocked” due to trauma of the scalp during hair transplantation surgery, creating an additional but mostly temporary hair loss condition. Shock loss occurs when the native hair is weak and isn’t strong enough to resist the surgical trauma that is going on around it. More often than not the hair that has gone into shock will grow back but after 3/4 months – after the resting phase. Shock loss can occur both in the recipient area, the areas surrounding the recipient area or even in the donor area a few weeks to a few months after having hair transplantation surgery. Postoperative shock loss of course does occur in women. In those that are having hair transplants, there is a risk of shock loss in women as well as men, but the hair seem to always return in women, not the case in men who have progressive hair loss with considerable miniaturized hairs. If you suffer from postoperative shock loss, it is recommended to start using Rogaine foam as it could fasten the growing process. In the meantime, you could consider the use of hair fibres to camouflage the hair loss.
It is important to put only a thin layer of serum on the recipient area. From the 10th day postoperative it is possible to rub the scalp during the hair wash so it will be easier to remove the serum. If there still are some residues left from the serum, it is not a problem for the transplants. There is no need to worry.
At 10 days postoperative it is recommended to start gently removing the scabs while washing your hair. The scabs might not all come off during the first wash but they should all be removed by the 14th postoperative day. There might be transplanted hairs that could come off together with the scabs but that is completely normal and inevitable. In that case the transplanted hair bulbs will start to produce new hairs and these will start to grow at about 4-12 months postoperative. If not all scabs are removed after the 14th postoperative day, you can contact our clinic or simply try this at home with the help of our video in the Aftercare App or on Youtube.
No, these transplants are not lost, the transplanted hair bulbs are fixed into the dermis and will start to produce new hairs, those new hairs will be visible at about 3-4 months after surgery. They will be very sparse and fine in the beginning and will grow thicker and fuller in the following months.
When the scalp is very dry or dehydrated after the surgery, ‘cracked lines’ could occur in the recipient area. This phenomenon appears when the scalp returns to its normal condition. It is almost comparable to the cracks in the desert (see pictures below).
If you suffer from a few pimples, there is no need to do anything. If you suffer from too many painful pimples, you could put a warm compress on the pimples and let it soak for a couple of minutes. Afterwards try to squeeze the pimples by using 2 compresses, never squeeze the pimples with your bare hands, this might cause an infection.
This stage after the surgery is often very difficult for the patient because nothing much happens and a lot of patience is necessary. Patients often start to worry because there is (mostly) no hair growth visible and the hair situation might even look worse at this stage than prior the surgery. Only in few cases (fast growers) the transplanted hairs did not fall out after surgery and just continue to grow but is rather rare than common.
New hair growth is visible at 6 months postoperative but mostly the hairs are still sparse and thin at this stage and will grow thicker and denser in the following months.
At 9 months postoperative there should be quite some hair growth visible, but the maximum hair density has normally not been attained yet. In the following months hair density should still increase. 23. At what time after the surgery will the final result be perceptible? The final result is mostly visible between 12 and 18 months after surgery. Fast growers will have their final result attained at 10-12 months postoperative but generally it takes rather 12 to even 18 months before the final result shows.
After 1 week the following activities are allowed to return:
Cardiovascular training at 30% intensity of your regular training for 14 days: jogging, walking, swimming (salt water).Sexual activities are allowed, just be gentle with your head for the first 5 days. Wearing a cap is also allowed again.
After 2 weeks:
Cardiovascular training at 100% intensity of your regular training
Swimming (chlorinated water)
Wear a wool cap.
After 4 weeks:
Powerlifting, team sports such as football and basketball, but avoid hard blows to the head during the first 3 months.
Wearing a helmet is also allowed again.
After 12 weeks:
Contact sports such as boxing, kickboxing, MMA,..