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Mittendrin im Zoom-Boom?

Zoom Boom
Stört Sie Ihr Aussehen bei Video-Anrufen? Oder deprimiert es Sie sogar ein wenig? Männer und Frauen geben gleich viel Geld für Faceliftings, das Aufspritzen von Lippen und Haartransplantationen aus.

Covid-19 sorgt für einen Zoom-Boom bei Schönheitsoperationen und Haartransplantationen

Aufgrund der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Videokonferenzen verbringen wir alle Stunden damit, unsere eigenen Gesichter und Haaransätze anzustarren und sie fast schon zwangsläufig mit denen anderer zu vergleichen. Schlechte Beleuchtung und die schiefen Winkel der Laptop-

Kameras ergeben allerdings selten ein schmeichelhaftes Abbild von uns. Zunächst erwarteten Haarchirurgen, die Pandemie würde ihnen das Geschäft verhageln. Stattdessen erlebt die Branche jetzt einen wahren Zoom-Boom. In der Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic stellen wir einen Anstieg der Anfragen für eine Haartransplantation um 25 % fest – Männer, Frauen und Transgender erkundigen sich gleichermaßen nach Behandlungen und Terminen. Haartransplantation, Barttransplantation, Wimperntransplantation, Augenbrauentransplantation und Haarlinienabsenkung sind in diesen Zeiten am beliebtesten. Eine interessante Wendung, finden wir.

„Meine hohe Stirn hat mich noch nie so sehr gestört wie seit dem Lockdown. Und glauben Sie mir, ich habe alle erdenklichen Kamerawinkel ausprobiert. Wenn ich könnte, würde ich meine Kamera während der Videokonferenzen und -sitzungen ausschalten."

Jenny, 29
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When you focus too much on wat you don't like at yourself, this might get bigger and take over your thoughts. Does your high forehead bother you? Is your receding or thinning hairline getting worse? Are you tired of your 'compulsory' shaved or forward-styled haircut? Please know that there is always a solution to make it better. Both psychologically and physically. We're here to listen to your problem, do not hesitate to reach out!

Times aren't easy for a while. People get confronted with themselves more than ever and dark thoughts arise. For more than 20 years we have experienced in our clinic how bad the self-image of our patients are. One resigns to a receding hairline or thinning hair, the other simply cannot let it go. This spiral often deteriorates: people compare themselves non-stop with others, and social media and currently also te neverending videocalls often pushes them under. After all, baldness or a high forehead do not match with the current beauty standards.


Self-love is not selfish or narcissistic; it's the standard for your well-being. Unfortunately, you cannot prevent baldness or a high forehead. So far they haven't invented miracle pills. However, with a hair transplant, hairlines can be beautifully reconstructed and in combination with medical therapy, further hair loss can be stopped.

A beautiful natural hairline 9 months after his FUE at Dr. Feriduni
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“The happiness in the gaze of our patients is our main daily drive.”

Dr. Feriduni

A stroke of luck

One's self-confidence can seem so solid, yet be so fragile. Luckily more and more people dare to take the step and recognize and tackle their problem. Yes, good hair transplants aren't cheap, but you enjoy a lifelong result. And that self-image will automatically find its way back. “I have more than 20 years of experience in hair transplantation and my motivation only is to see my patients thrive. That's the beautiful part in our job; we create happiness. For many, a hair transplant seems a cold and aesthetic event, but it is so much more. People are vulnerable, and everyone in our team takes that into account unconditionally. The patient always comes first.” Dr. Feriduni also helps people who have been confronted with baldness due to cancer, scars or burns. For this purpose his Foundation was set up, in which he strives to treat a patient free of charge every month.

You are worth it

Life is short, eat the cake. On our website we offer a free online consultation form. It only takes a few minutes to fill in and after 2-7 days you will receive Dr. Feriduni's advised treatment plan and a quote. This way, you get an idea whether a hair transplant can offer a solution for you. Dr. Feriduni will never treat anyone if they are not convinced of a good and lasting result.
Laurens Vanthoor

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